
Showing posts from 2011

Sleep Disorders and Healthy Aging

US studies have shown that around 70% of citizens do not get the proper rest they need . For this reason, people are suffering poor health, depression and so on. Getting proper rest will help you keep your health in good condition. When you lack proper rest, it affects your concentration. To stay healthy you need proper rest, sustenance and to exercise daily. As a person ages the body goes through changes . The body functions start to decline. For that reason we may suffer sleep disorders, including insomnia. What you can learn: According to philosophers, th eorists, experts, etc women are likely to experience insomnia more so than men. While many people find it difficult to fall asleep, some of us suffer insomnia, which is even harder on our health. On the other hand, if you sleep too much during waking hours, it will affect your concentration, impair your memory and cause other problems as well, such as not sleeping at night. If you get too much sleep, jus...

10 Tips to Lower Cholesterol

Do you have high cholesterol and need to lower it ? That is no surprise considering how many people have high cholesterol these days. To help lower your cholesterol, here are 10 tips you can get started with today. As with anything health related, diet and exercise are the two crucial components. What you eat is critical to lowering your cholesterol levels,. One thing you should know is the difference between LDL and HDL cholesterol. Simply think of HDL as "healthy" and LDL as "lousy." HDL can actually help carry cholesterol out of your blood vessels while LDL allows it to deposit inside your artery walls. The good news is that you can change your cholesterol for the better. H ere is how to do just that: 1. Have a nice sandwich on whole wheat bread or a pita with some lean turkey and lots of fresh veggies. Skip the hot dogs, bologna, and salami, and hold the Mayo. All of those are highly processed and filled with fat and cholestero...

10 Ways to boost your brainpower

1. Physical exercise. Physical exercise strengthens your brain. Exercise benefits your brain cells . The blood vessels inside your brain dilate and increase blood flow when you engage in regular exercise. Exercise helps to elimin toxins and allows oxygen and other nutrients to flow into your brain strengthening your brain cells. 2. Mind exercises. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to stop and watch your busy mind. As you notice things that are subtly bothering you, deal with them. This might mean making a phone call you need to make, or putting things on a list so you can forget them for now. With practice, this becomes easier, and your thinking becomes more powerful. 3. Healthy breakfast. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast affects your brainpower and performance at home, school or work. Minimize your eating during the day to mostly live raw fruits and veggies and their j...

12 Ways To Be Healthier

1. Have a lie down Back pain can be avoided and the damage repaired with one easy exercise, which is lie down on the floor with your knees bent, hip width apart, feet on the floor. Do this daily for about five to fifteen minutes to release and lengthen your spine. 2. Note your nibbles Crash diets don't work for long enough, instead maintain a food dairy to note your daily eating habits. With this you'll be conscious of what you eat, and make healthier choices. 3. 10 deep breaths Our breath power our lymphatic system, which removes waste from cells. By taking 10 deep breaths, three times a day, you'll clear more toxins and boost your thinking power by getting 20% more oxygen to your brain. 4. Put your fork down Put your fork down between every mouthful of food, it makes you chew your food properly, preventing digestive problems, and also prevents you from over- eating. 5. Make a list The most effective stress buster is to make a list. Your short term...

5 quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress

Stress is fast becoming the biggest health problem in modern societies. Financial pressures, work pressures, family pressures – so much to do so little time to do it all! Have you ever noticed that your skin look older when you feel stressed out ? Stress can block your good sleep, lack of meals or eating too much, and can affect your life style and as a result it brings illness. Here’s  5 quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress: 1. Make time to switch off from the daily trials and tribulations and relax for at least one hour every day. Just shut the world out and do something you enjoy. Reading, playing a musical instrument, taking a relaxing bath with music and candles (and maybe a glass of wine) are all great ways to unwind and will be extremely beneficial to your mental health. 2. If you’re dealing with a stressful situation and you have a lot on your plate then it can be very hard to find solutions. You’re caught up in the midst of a sandstorm...

Healthy Aging - where does stress come from ?

People are often unaware of what stress can do to their body and mind. Stress is bad for the heart . Stress will give you headaches , or make you feel depressed . Stress can do many harmful things to your body and mind, yet in some instances stress is good. Balancing stress is the key to living healthier. If you live with unhealthy stress, you will need to take action to reduce the volume. You have many options to relieve stress. Where does stress come from? Stress develops from many different things. What can you do to get some relief from stress? Some of the things that may help you to find relief from stress include reading a good book. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or cool area depending on the weather and enjoy a good book. Writing is also one of the top keys that help you to reduce stress. When you are overloaded with stress, write down your feelings, emotions, thoughts and so on. Writing is a great exercise, put it to good use. Avoi...

20 reasons why exercise is required to stay healthy and young

“ Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. “ - Edward Stanley , the Earl of Derby, 1873 Are you doing exercise everyday ? If you are interested in staying young and wish to have healthy life , I suppose you care for exercise as well besides foods life, life style, and keeping healthy mind. People get old from their feet and legs, and our daily walking influences our health. How long do you walk everyday ? It’s said it’s good to walk 10,000 steps a day, and people who care for their health are checking how many steps they walk a day. Walking an hour a day , or at least 30 to 40 minutes daily can keep your legs and feet stronger, and body healthier. According to one of the studies which was conducted In Northern California, approximately 20% of subjects reported that they had had no vigorous activity for the past twenty years. In that study, 13% of the colon cancer cases could be attributed to physical ...

Anti-aging - Home remedies for hair loss

It is common for people to lose strands of their hair especially when it is wet or when they comb it very often. Experts say that there is a need for some strands of hair to fall so these can be replaced with a new set of hair strands. The following home remedies can be used to deal with hair loss at home: 1. The wonders of massage. Ancient people have proven that massage can help stop excessive hair fall because it makes the follicles of the hair stronger. Aside from that, it is also good because it aids hair growth by putting the right amount of pressure on the scalp. Usually, this is done manually. You can do it your self or you can ask somebody to massage your scalp at home. If you don’t have enough energy to do manual massage on your own scalp, you can opt for electric hair massage available in most wellness stores. 2. Hot oil treatments. Experts say that people who are prone to hair loss can benefit so much from hot oil treatments because these can help preve...

Why does hair loss occur ? Causes of hair loss

Surveys say that one of the things that makes people lose their confidence is hair loss . This is because many people cannot be confident in front of and even around others knowing that these people are openly staring at his or her bald spots. Experts say that hair loss or baldness can be inevitable to people especially if their families have a history of it. What causes hair loss? More and more people are becoming prone to hair loss because they don’t pay much attention to the signs and symptoms of the condition. If you think you are prone to baldness, the first thing that you need to check—aside from the family's history of hair loss—is the number of strands of hair that you lose in a day. Although it is quite impossible to keep track the exact number of strands, a hundred will be noticeable if examined closely. Experts say that losing this amount of hair is normal because new strands of hair are expected to grow in 12 weeks . But if the amount is more ...

Staying young tips - The power of image

The main point to keep your looks and staying young with healthy body is to have well balanced mind, body, food life, skin care and activities. Especially, our mind is the main source which influences all the other points. And today, I would like to talk about the power of your image , how you see yourself, and how this influences you to stay young forever. I often see so many middle age to elderly people wearing similar clothes with similar hair style which makes them look matching with each other , and conforming with their image of their age or even older age. People who look younger than their actual age care for their fashion and hair style as well as their body shape. Here are some tips to stay young using your image. 1. Put the image of your ideal person or image of yourself when you were younger , or your favorite time of your look, on the wall where you can often see it. 2. Spend time with younger people or people who you feel are happy and loo...

Staying young - Have a good night sleep ! Why Walking is so good for anti-aging ?

Lack of activities can prevent you from living healthy. When you do not enjoy activities, you may feel fatigue or find it difficult to sleep at night. When you awake in the morning, you may feel tired until you finally fall asleep. As we, age our body change and we have to make changes to accommodate our lives. * Having a good night sleep makes the mind think more clearly.    A good night sleep also boosts your energy while controlling your weight. You can also make decisions with less stress. Sleeping well at night makes our immune system stronger to keep us healthier. Researchers have proved that a good nights sleep is necessary for our health . Researchers have found that lack of sleep reduces the growth hormones in our bodies, since it changes muscles to fat. Sleep overall is most important, yet it stands behind activities. To improve your health, try walking each day . * Walking will help to loosen our muscles, reduces stress and depression along with anxi...

How old does she look ? The key of fountain of youth

Japanese 80S's top idol star Seiko Matsuda (age: 48 on the right side with a hat) and her daughter Sayaka Kanda  (age:24  on the left side) How old does Seiko Matsuda look ? They look like sisters, instead of mother and daughter to me. So young !! and her skin !!! What's the secret of her staying young ? She had a question from her fans about " the key to her fountain of youth " and she answered in one of the interviews and she said something like that , " Chi energy, it's about feeling."   ( translated from Japanese ) How you see yourself is one of the most important keys to keep you look younger. She is also singing on the stage with her daughter in her concert, wearing like a teenager, with fashionable fashion. Seiko Matsuda was the top idol star in 80S generation in Japan, and influenced many young girls whatever she did , and every single song she published got number one hit. She is one year older than me and since w...